
Vitality increases; strength, sexuality, overall health, quality of sleep

Vitality increases; strength, sexuality, overall health, quality of sleep*
Testimonial dated 26/08/2002

Dear Mr. Zeigler; Thank you for your LIQUID CHI - "Phoenix Fire" remedy, it did help me in several areas: my vitality improved over a period of just a few weeks (aprox. 20%!). The same happened with the muscle strength, sexuality, overall health status and in the quality of sleep. In the case of healing from injury and boosting my immune system it reached an unprecedented +5 on your scale. There has been improvement of about +3 in my breathing, Kundalini, as well as in the following areas: -5 in heat, and in Hu sound level about -2 (due to their life long presence at high levels), it was quite an experience. In the rest of the categories i.e., The Spirituality - Consciousness, Paranormal Effects, Mental and emotional, certain levels were already established prior your intervention and remained the same. In my case, there needs to be some work in the areas of telekinesis, levitation, loving myself and a true bilocation. In my conclusion; I would have to say that there has never been anything like this ever given to me, to be tested, and especially with these absolutely amazing results. I'm looking forward to our further cooperation and wish you all the success, which is absolutely deserved. Let me finish by a saying: You walk the talk!


Dr. RR., MD

More Energy with LIQUID CHI™
Testimonial dated 8/20/2001

At 58 years of age I felt that I was in a dwindling, downward spiral physically. Each year seemed to bring more limitations, less stamina and more pain. Knee surgery, with cartilage removal, 18 years prior had left me with diminished range of motion and muscular atrophy. This limited activity and necessitated frequent rests when being physical. Associated limping also caused bowing and rotating of the spinal column, which gave additional pain. A shoulder, which had frozen up 6 years ago, never loosened up again completely. Arthritis in my hands was the source of more or less constant pain. In spite of all this, I tried to remain active, maintaining a large garden and restoring a 100 year old home. LIQUID CHI™ has changed my life. In the first 48 hours I noticed that I was experiencing less pain. Day by day I noticed that I had more energy and stamina. In fact, some days I wouldn't even take a break or stop for lunch. I lost a little weight and took my belt in a notch without even dieting. Also I have noticed that I don't need as much sleep. My attitude toward life and "joie' de vivre" have increased tremendously as a result of all this. What really amazed me and prompted me to write this testimonial is that, after only six weeks of LIQUID CHI™, I tried doing a Qi Gong exercise that had not been possible for me before, due to instability of my knee. I breezed right through the exercise, as though there had never been a problem. At last I feel hopeful that I will be able to enjoy the rest of my life without the constant, painful, depressing reminders that I am no longer young. Yes, I feel younger and happier thanks to LIQUID CHI™. I would recommend it to anyone.

Arthur Zeigler

Chronic fungal infection disappears*
Testimonial dated 09/30/2003

Hello Arthur,

The package has arrived. Many thanks for this. I'll let you know how I get on with the Titan's.

Something I forgot to mention before -- which I guess must be another outward sign of LIQUID CHI at work.....

I've been suffering for about 10 years with a fungal infection on the soles of my feet. Quite unbelievably, I contracted it from over exposure to dry rot when restoring an old building in the early '90s. In fact, my complaint is actually logged (humorously) in the doctor's file as 'dry rot of the feet'! Anyway, for 10 years I've had to pay close daily attention to it, with antiseptic washing and various anti-fungal creams just to keep it at bay and stop it cracking up and bleeding. Back in June, however, soon after commencing my LIQUID CHI trials, the complaint disappeared totally, and there's been absolutely no sign of it since.

All best,


Drastic Changes*

Testimonial Dated 12/11/2005

Thank you so much for all of the help you provide to so many people...the change in my husband is so drastic, sometimes I think I barely know him! This stuff is miraculous---magical!


AJ Ontario, CA

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